PC World 2007 June
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310 lines
import os, os.path
from subprocess import list2cmdline
import wx
from pwiki.TempFileSet import createTempFile
from pwiki.StringOps import mbcsEnc, mbcsDec, lineendToOs
WIKIDPAD_PLUGIN = (("InsertionByKey", 1), ("Options", 1))
def describeInsertionKeys(ver, app):
API function for "InsertionByKey" plugins
Returns a sequence of tuples describing the supported
insertion keys. Each tuple has the form (insKey, exportTypes, handlerFactory)
where insKey is the insertion key handled, exportTypes is a sequence of
strings describing the supported export types and handlerFactory is
a factory function (normally a class) taking the wxApp object as
parameter and returning a handler object fulfilling the protocol
for "insertion by key" (see EqnHandler as example).
ver -- API version (can only be 1 currently)
app -- wxApp object
return (
(u"dot", ("html_single", "html_previewWX", "html_preview", "html_multi"), DotHandler),
(u"neato", ("html_single", "html_previewWX", "html_preview", "html_multi"), NeatoHandler),
(u"twopi", ("html_single", "html_previewWX", "html_preview", "html_multi"), TwopiHandler),
(u"circo", ("html_single", "html_previewWX", "html_preview", "html_multi"), CircoHandler),
(u"fdp", ("html_single", "html_previewWX", "html_preview", "html_multi"), FdpHandler)
class GraphVizBaseHandler:
Base class fulfilling the "insertion by key" protocol.
# Filled in by derived classes
def __init__(self, app):
self.app = app
self.extAppExe = None
def taskStart(self, exporter, exportType):
This is called before any call to createContent() during an
export task.
An export task can be a single HTML page for
preview or a single page or a set of pages for export.
exporter -- Exporter object calling the handler
exportType -- string describing the export type
Calls to createContent() will only happen after a
call to taskStart() and before the call to taskEnd()
# Find MimeTeX executable by configuration setting
dirPath = self.app.getGlobalConfig().get("main",
"plugin_graphViz_dirExe", "")
if not dirPath:
self.extAppExe = ""
exeName = self.app.getGlobalConfig().get("main", self.EXECONFIGKEY, "")
self.extAppExe = os.path.join(dirPath, exeName)
def taskEnd(self):
Called after export task ended and after the last call to
def createContent(self, exporter, exportType, insToken):
Handle an insertion and create the appropriate content.
exporter -- Exporter object calling the handler
exportType -- string describing the export type
insToken -- insertion token to create content for (see also
An insertion token has the following member variables:
key: insertion key (unistring)
value: value of an insertion (unistring)
appendices: sequence of strings with the appendices
Meaning and type of return value is solely defined by the type
of the calling exporter.
For HtmlXmlExporter a unistring is returned with the HTML code
to insert instead of the insertion.
# Retrieve quoted content of the insertion
bstr = lineendToOs(mbcsEnc(insToken.value, "replace")[0])
if not bstr:
# Nothing in, nothing out
return u""
if self.extAppExe == "":
# No path to MimeTeX executable -> show message
return "<pre>[Please set path to GraphViz executables]</pre>"
# Get exporters temporary file set (manages creation and deletion of
# temporary files)
tfs = exporter.getTempFileSet()
pythonUrl = (exportType != "html_previewWX")
dstFullPath = tfs.createTempFile("", ".png", relativeTo="")
url = tfs.getRelativeUrl(None, dstFullPath, pythonUrl=pythonUrl)
# Store token content in a temporary file
srcfilepath = createTempFile(bstr, ".dot")
cmdline = list2cmdline((self.extAppExe, "-Tpng", "-o" + dstFullPath,
# Run external application
childIn, childOut, childErr = os.popen3(cmdline, "b")
if u"noerror" in [a.strip() for a in insToken.appendices]:
errResponse = ""
errResponse = childErr.read()
if errResponse != "":
appname = mbcsDec(self.EXAPPNAME, "replace")[0]
errResponse = mbcsDec(errResponse, "replace")[0]
return u"<pre>[%s Error: %s]</pre>" % (appname, errResponse)
# Return appropriate HTML code for the image
if exportType == "html_previewWX":
# Workaround for internal HTML renderer
return u'<img src="%s" border="0" align="bottom" /> ' % url
return u'<img src="%s" border="0" align="bottom" />' % url
def getExtraFeatures(self):
Returns a list of bytestrings describing additional features supported
by the plugin. Currently not specified further.
return ()
class DotHandler(GraphVizBaseHandler):
EXECONFIGKEY = "plugin_graphViz_exeDot"
class NeatoHandler(GraphVizBaseHandler):
EXECONFIGKEY = "plugin_graphViz_exeNeato"
class TwopiHandler(GraphVizBaseHandler):
EXECONFIGKEY = "plugin_graphViz_exeTwopi"
class CircoHandler(GraphVizBaseHandler):
EXECONFIGKEY = "plugin_graphViz_exeCirco"
class FdpHandler(GraphVizBaseHandler):
EXECONFIGKEY = "plugin_graphViz_exeFdp"
def registerOptions(ver, app):
API function for "Options" plugins
Register configuration options and their GUI presentation
ver -- API version (can only be 1 currently)
app -- wxApp object
# Register options
app.getDefaultGlobalConfigDict()[("main", "plugin_graphViz_dirExe")] = u""
app.getDefaultGlobalConfigDict()[("main", "plugin_graphViz_exeDot")] = u"dot.exe"
app.getDefaultGlobalConfigDict()[("main", "plugin_graphViz_exeNeato")] = u"neato.exe"
app.getDefaultGlobalConfigDict()[("main", "plugin_graphViz_exeTwopi")] = u"twopi.exe"
app.getDefaultGlobalConfigDict()[("main", "plugin_graphViz_exeCirco")] = u"circo.exe"
app.getDefaultGlobalConfigDict()[("main", "plugin_graphViz_exeFdp")] = u"fdp.exe"
# Register panel in options dialog
app.addOptionsDlgPanel(GraphVizOptionsPanel, u" GraphViz")
class GraphVizOptionsPanel(wx.Panel):
def __init__(self, parent, optionsDlg, app):
Called when "Options" dialog is opened to show the panel.
Transfer here all options from the configuration file into the
text fields, check boxes, ...
wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent)
self.app = app
pt = self.app.getGlobalConfig().get("main", "plugin_graphViz_dirExe",
self.tfDir = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, pt)
pt = self.app.getGlobalConfig().get("main", "plugin_graphViz_exeDot",
self.tfDot = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, pt)
pt = self.app.getGlobalConfig().get("main", "plugin_graphViz_exeNeato",
self.tfNeato = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, pt)
pt = self.app.getGlobalConfig().get("main", "plugin_graphViz_exeTwopi",
self.tfTwopi = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, pt)
pt = self.app.getGlobalConfig().get("main", "plugin_graphViz_exeCirco",
self.tfCirco = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, pt)
pt = self.app.getGlobalConfig().get("main", "plugin_graphViz_exeFdp",
self.tfFdp = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, pt)
mainsizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(6, 2, 0, 0)
mainsizer.AddGrowableCol(1, 1)
mainsizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Directory of executables:"), 0,
wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5)
mainsizer.Add(self.tfDir, 1, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5)
mainsizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Name of dot executable:"), 0,
wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5)
mainsizer.Add(self.tfDot, 1, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5)
mainsizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Name of neato executable:"), 0,
wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5)
mainsizer.Add(self.tfNeato, 1, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5)
mainsizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Name of twopi executable:"), 0,
wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5)
mainsizer.Add(self.tfTwopi, 1, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5)
mainsizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Name of circo executable:"), 0,
wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5)
mainsizer.Add(self.tfCirco, 1, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5)
mainsizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Name of fdp executable:"), 0,
wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5)
mainsizer.Add(self.tfFdp, 1, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5)
def setVisible(self, vis):
Called when panel is shown or hidden. The actual wxWindow.Show()
function is called automatically.
If a panel is visible and becomes invisible because another panel is
selected, the plugin can veto by returning False.
When becoming visible, the return value is ignored.
return True
def checkOk(self):
Called when "OK" is pressed in dialog. The plugin should check here if
all input values are valid. If not, it should return False, then the
Options dialog automatically shows this panel.
There should be a visual indication about what is wrong (e.g. red
background in text field). Be sure to reset the visual indication
if field is valid again.
return True
def handleOk(self):
This is called if checkOk() returned True for all panels. Transfer here
all values from text fields, checkboxes, ... into the configuration
pt = self.tfDir.GetValue()
self.app.getGlobalConfig().set("main", "plugin_graphViz_dirExe", pt)
pt = self.tfDot.GetValue()
self.app.getGlobalConfig().set("main", "plugin_graphViz_exeDot", pt)
pt = self.tfNeato.GetValue()
self.app.getGlobalConfig().set("main", "plugin_graphViz_exeNeato", pt)
pt = self.tfTwopi.GetValue()
self.app.getGlobalConfig().set("main", "plugin_graphViz_exeTwopi", pt)
pt = self.tfCirco.GetValue()
self.app.getGlobalConfig().set("main", "plugin_graphViz_exeCirco", pt)
pt = self.tfFdp.GetValue()
self.app.getGlobalConfig().set("main", "plugin_graphViz_exeFdp", pt)